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9 Shots Older Adults Must Get

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that everyone stay up to date with their vaccinations, and adults 50 and over are no exception.

Vaccines Every Older Adults Needs

  • Flu: every year
  • Shingles: 2 doses, starting at age 50
  • Td or Tdap: booster every 10 years
  • Pneumococcal: 1 dose of each type, starting at age 65

Vaccines You May Need Depending on Your Health History and Other Factors

  • Pneumococcal, under age 65: one or both types
  • Meningococcal: one or both of each type, in rare cases
  • Hib: 1 to 3 doses, depending on health condition

Vaccines You May Need if You Didn’t Get Them as a Child

  • Td or Tdap: 1 dose, then booster every 10 years
  • Chickenpox: 2 doses
  • Hepatitis A: 2 or 3 doses, depending upon vaccine type
  • Hepatitis B: 3 doses

These are standard guidelines. It’s important that you speak with your primary care physician about the immunizations that are right for you. You can also visit the CDC’s website for a full list of vaccinations by age group.