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Ready or Not: Week 31 - Hiatus

I think you all know by now that I’m a pretty candid person. Without hesitation, I publicly share details about not only my pregnancy, but my marriage and my job and my bathroom habits. But — believe it or not — there are aspects of my life that I consider to be private. My family suffered an unexpected, tragic loss last week. I could pretend that nothing happened and write a typically humorous anecdote about hormones or breast leakage or the baby’s strangle-hold on my bladder. But that seems disingenuous. I could switch gears and attempt a poignant blog on grief and stress and the cyclical nature of life. But, to be perfectly frank, I don’t want to. My family is grieving. I’m heartbroken and confused. That has to take priority right now.

I’ll be back next week to share the details of my latest escapade — a childbirth education class. In the meantime, I hope you’ll respect my decision to keep some parts of my life private. I will give you some homework, though: hug the people around you extra tight today and be thankful for the love in your life.