Responsiveness: Growth and Development
VIP Open House of Surgical and Cardiovascular Services – November 15
You are invited to our exclusive event for medical providers and first responders. We are excited to show you our newly expanded surgical suites and cardiovascular catheterization labs. Come and see how more than $24M in capital investments has equipped West Valley Medical Center to offer the latest in surgical and cardiovascular procedures – today and well into the future.
The highlight of the evening will be learning about what we can now offer to your patients who need surgery or a cardiovascular intervention. Here is a sampling:
Enhanced Surgical Services
- $13M capital investment for expansion, renovations and equipment since March 2015.
- Expanded surgical department from 10,900 square-foot to 13,671 square-foot
- Increase from four traditional to six video-integrated operative suites
- OR suites now feature an advanced high-filtration ventilation system
- Newly added pre-operative Day Surgery Unit and recovery room
- New staff lounge and new, larger family waiting area
- Now offering state-of-the-art technology to enhance minimally invasive surgeries:
- A computer-navigation system for orthopedic surgery that helps to increase surgical accuracy during implant positioning via preoperative CT or MRI scans.
- The da Vinci System translates the surgeon’s hand movements into smaller, precise movements for a variety of surgical procedures.
- The MazorX is the only one of its kind in the Treasure Valley. This robotic guidance system utilizes 3D blueprint of each patient’s unique anatomy to improve spine surgery.
At West Valley Medical Center, we are a leader in implementing the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery program. With this goal-directed approach, we utilize evidence-based pain management protocols and help patients to focus on mobilization and maximizing function after surgery. As an important result, we are significantly reducing the overall use of opioids at our hospital.
Expanded Cardiovascular Services
- $6M capital investment for expansion and equipment since October 2014.
- Expanded cardiac catheterization space from 1,400 square-foot to 7,500 square-foot
- Increase from one to three cardiac catheterization suites:
- Cardiac Catheterization Diagnostic Lab
- Cardiac Electrophysiology Catheterization Lab
- 3-D electrophysiology mapping
- Cardioversion
- Afib ablation
- Intravascular ultrasound
- Angioplasty and coronary
stent placement - MRI-compatible defibrillator placement
- Atherosclerosis atherectomy
- MRI-compatible pacemaker placement
- Cardiac resynchronization therapy
- Pericardiocentesis
- Hybrid OR Cardiac Endovascular Lab
- Advanced Peripheral vascular imaging
- Peripheral vascular & surgical hybrid cases
- State-of-the-art radiation road mapping and dose reduction system
- Advanced procedural planning via integration of multiple imaging technologies
West Valley Medical Center is the only hospital in the Treasure Valley accredited in the treatment of chest pain, atrial fibrillation and heart failure by ACC Accreditation Services.
As a healthcare provider, we value your service to our community and strive to exceed your expectations for your patients in delivering high-quality clinical care with exceptional patient experience.
Come and learn about how HCA Healthcare supports our vision for growth. We aim to continuously meet the rapidly growing healthcare needs in our community while improving patient care and expanding medical access in the Treasure Valley.
VIP Open House
An exclusive event for medical providers and first responders.
West Valley Medical Center
Surgical and Cardiovascular Services
Thursday, November 15
5:30pm – 8:00pm
1717 Arlington Avenue in Caldwell
(208) 455-3719
PHP (Partial Hospitalization Program) Relocation & Remodel
PHP moved Saturday, October 26 to the basement of the 315 Elm building and PHP services resumed seamlessly for our patients on Monday, October 29. The PHP provides a continuation of care for discharging inpatients from the Behavioral Health Unit and an outpatient option for patients to avoid an inpatient stay when someone is struggling at a lower level of care. The relocation and remodel project allowed the PHP to have larger space to expand the program and have a more functional workspace to interact with patients. Patients begin the program with an Initial assessment by a multidisciplinary team (MD, RN, LCSW, and Activity Therapist). During the program patients, attend Group therapy in five different groups five days per week. A multidisciplinary treatment team meets weekly, including medication management, and Crisis counseling as needed for the individual patient.
Wayfinding Update
West Valley is exploring options for updated directory and wayfinding signage throughout the facility. The first priority will be to update the 2nd Floor to optimize visitor knowledge of access and secure entry into the Family Maternity Center as well as improve the patient and family experience on the Medical Surgical Unit. Funding has been approved to update wayfinding and directories on Floor 2 and plans are in development.
On the Horizon
BHU Expansion is pending funding to expand adult inpatient behavioral health beds and add adolescent inpatient behavioral health beds.
Ambulatory Surgery Center and FSED: HCA/West is planning an Ambulatory Surgery Center to be located in the medical office building to be developed by BVA and Brighton companies. We are currently working with physician partners to make that venture a success. Additionally, we feel that location is an ideal place for a freestanding emergency room; we are currently pursuing that project and the associated funding.
Clinical Value Analysis Team
Ginna Maggard
Do you want a voice in product selection, be part of a committee that reviews physician preference items proposed to WVMC? Be part of our CVAT Committee.
- Next meeting: 7:00am November 14, Indian Creek Room
Clinical Value Analysis Team (CVAT) is a physician-led, data-driven and patient-focused initiative to bring physician preference items (PPI) into use at the hospital based on evidence. We have found the most successful submissions have strong clinical evidence and overwhelming, if not unanimous, support from the physician-led committee.
If you have a request for a new product or service line, please feel free to contact Ginna Maggard, or one of our committee members. CVAT meetings our every other month, and there is a Fast Track process if the product is needed prior to the meeting. Once the product is requested on the New Product Request Form (Lumere – New Product Request Form) you can expect an answer within two business days. New product forms are available on the Intranet or in hard copy in the OR.