Abigail Murray
Director of Clinical Informatics
Did you know that physicians can electronically prescribe medications in Meditech? ePrescribe allows providers to leave their script pads at the office by giving them tools to transmit medications (controlled substances too!) directly to patients’ pharmacies. It also provides real-time insurance eligibility and formulary checking beneficial to providers and patients alike.
Interested? Email or call our Director of Clinical Informatics, Abigail Murray, for ePrescribe access and training.

Dave Calley
Director of Pharmacy
The INSPIRE trial aims to assess best practice in antibiotic stewardship for patients admitted for pneumonia and UTI: it utilizes “smart” Meditech screens to optimize antibiotic prescribing and contribute to improved patient outcomes.
*What does that mean to clinicians?* Beginning this month, providers may notice screen prompts that give risk estimates of antibiotic resistant infections and in turn, recommend standard spectrum antibiotics.
Interested in more information? Dave Calley is WVMC’s Antimicrobial Stewardship Committee leader and can be reached via email.

Wendy McClain
Director of PR/Communications
Intranet – a local or restricted communications network, especially a private network using World Wide Web software.
Westipedia - an internal communication tool, our internal network website, otherwise known as “the intranet” that can be viewed and utilized by West Valley workforce while logged into the HCA network.
Westipedia is a resource for information that is user-friendly...allowing users to easily to find the latest news about West Valley Medical Center and find business and clinical online tools and resources at one central location.
For our medical providers, we have at the top navigation of Westipedia a “Providers” tab that has a number of quick links we hope provide you quick access to the tools you need while on the HCA network.
Please contact Director of PR/Communications, Wendy McClain, if you have questions or suggestions for the “Providers” tab.
Westipedia Link: http://divisions.hca.corpad.net/mnt/WVMC/Pages/home.aspx
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