West Valley Medical Center - February 01, 2016
by Richard Augustus, MD

Richard Augustus

I would like to make you aware of several current clinical initiatives.

Blood Utilization review: We are doing really well. Our average hemoglobin prior to transfusion has dropped to 7.4. Fifty-seven percent of our transfusions now have a pre-transfusion Hgb of <7. It is great to see the response of our medical staff to decrease the risk associated with blood transfusion in our hospital.

Sepsis: We are in the top percentiles of outcomes for septic patients in the company. Our compliance with fluid resuscitation and early antibiotics is about to be further challenged, as we are being asked to narrow the window from six hours from diagnosis to three hours. I know that as we push this further we will continue to see excellent outcomes for our patients.

Ventilator Days: This is a new area of focus for HCA. We will be looking at all the ways that we can reduce the time our patients spend on the ventilator and how best practices for sedation and ventilator weaning can be applied in our facility. More information to come.

Patient Satisfaction: HCA as a company has made a big investment to give us more data about our patient experience. Press Ganey has been selected to do our HCAHPS surveys. They will provide us with much more real-time data and physician-specific data. As this process begins to take shape, we will keep you informed of the changes and will get you more information on your patient‰лЊs perception of their stay with us.

CPOE: I know that this continues to be a struggle. We hope some of the improvements have made an impact in how you experience this change. I know everyone is excited that Patient Keeper is coming in 2016 to give us a better experience.

It is a pleasure to work with such a supportive medical staff, and I appreciate the feedback that you give to improve our hospital and our patients‰лЊ care. Your engagement is essential to the continued improvement of our community reputation and the achievement of excellent results for our patients.