West Valley Medical Center
- May 01, 2016

Our educational CVAT committee meeting was April 12. The committee was educated on the vision for CVAT, how to access Procured Health from the hospital intranet and also from their own computers/smart phones. New product forms are also available on the intranet or in hard copy in the OR.
CVAT Chairperson: Richard Manos, MD
CVAT Physician Committee Members:
- Joe Llenos, MD
- Karl Undesser, MD
- Lyndon Box, MD
- William Beringer, DO
- Ronald Cornwell, MD
- John Q. Smith, MD
- Jessica Fu, MD
- Donald Stritzke, MD
Procured Health is available to all WVMC credentialed physicians лв if interested please contact Ginna Maggard at 455-4006 or ginna.maggard@parallon.com.
Our next CVAT meeting will be 7 a.m. Wednesday, May 11.
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