Jennifer Opsut
Completed Projects
- Furniture installation completed on the first floor locations including the front lobby, inpatient surgical waiting room, ER lobby, ER internal lobby, and the Chapel.
- Surgical Consult Room is OPEN, located next to the inpatient surgical waiting area. If you have any additional needs within the room, please contact Shawn Lindsay or myself.
- Chapel - The new chapel/spiritual care area is located on the first floor near the surgical waiting room. Our volunteer Chaplains are very excited for this new location as is it more accessible allowing them to better serve the patients, visitors, and staff when needed.
- Behavioral Health Unit flooring was replaced to ensure beds are bolted to the floor for patient safety.
Current Projects
- Endovascular Lab construction delayed due to equipment delivery. Go-Live estimated to be mid-July 2018.
- OR Project major construction is completed! However, we have a few minor finishes that will continue through mid-May. There will be six ORs fully functional with equipment and staffing by early June. Thank you for your patience as I know this is a long yet worthwhile project for all of us!
Future Projects
- Facility Internal Signage currently evaluating the need to improve the internal signage and wayfinding for patients and visitors
- Behavioral Health Unit Expansion is pending funding that will increase our number of adult inpatient behavioral health beds and will add adolescent inpatient behavioral health services.
- PHP (Partial Hospitalization Program) Expansion: We are in progress of evaluating potential new locations that will allow for growth of the program.

Shawn Lindsay
Executive Director of Perioperative Surgery
OR Updates
The Operating Room construction project is coming to completion. We were able to make some changes to Operating Room 2 during construction to accommodate a DaVinci SI robot. This robot can function across specialties to include Urology, GYN, ENT and General Surgery. We should have the DaVinci robot on site for install the first week of August or earlier. Several staff have already been offsite for training and they are very excited to begin working with the DaVinci robot. Surgeon training will be the next step and then proctoring for procedures.
We have also recently acquired a Maxor X robot to assist with our spine program. The Mazor X takes a CT captured image and gives the surgeon the ability to manipulate the software to achieve the best results for the patient, including exact screw lengths even before the case starts. The robotic arm can then help assist the surgeon with k-wire placement for screw insertion, thus decreasing the time it takes to place the pedicle screws. We have done several cases to date and already have more scheduled.
Safety & Security
Our security personnel consistently provide one of the first interactions with our patients and their families. We value the efforts and energy of our security personnel and recognize how important their role is to providing a safe and secure environment for all of us. As part of our continued efforts to provide physical safety and security, HCA is converting and standardizing security operations throughout the company. Effective 12 a.m. March 4, 2018, we transitioned security services to HSS, a contracted security company. This is a different company from HHS, the EVS vendor. HSS is a comprehensive healthcare security organization with accounts throughout the local area and U.S. The transition was seamless and we have already witnessed a difference in our security services. HSS provides program consistency, innovative healthcare security training and career opportunities for the officers.
Question: How does this transition improve the physical security personnel experience at West Valley Medical Center?
Answer: During emergencies, deployment of physical security personnel is improved with the new HSS vendor. You can also expect improvements in the quality of physical security processes, patient and workforce customer service experiences, and communications between physical security personnel and workforce members or patients. HHS supports the HCA Healthy Work Environment and collaborates with us to provide a safe care environment for patients, visitors, staff and physicians. HSS officers are thoroughly trained and evaluated on their ability to:
- Look the part of a security professional in appearance and demeanor
- Know their part; HSS training ensures they have the skill set to best serve
- Perform their part; always following their training in everything from simple visitor interactions to more complex patient interventions.
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