Tracee Hendershott
New Director of Women’s Services
I am pleased to announce that Robin Callahan has officially accepted the Director of Women’s Services position here at WVMC. Robin started at WVMC in January 2013. She has been a committed night-staff RN until late in 2017 when she stepped up as interim Director.
During her interim as leader of our women’s services, she has supported and led a strong team focused on ensuring WVMC Level 2 NICU passed the extension survey. In addition, Robin has helped implement process improvement initiatives that helped increase the Oxytocin compliance rate to 90- 100%, in turn providing better outcomes for our moms and babies.
I asked Robin what she is most looking forward to with her new role. She expressed how she enjoys opportunities to help staff/providers with change that will positively impact our patients and organization as a whole. She is also very excited about working with providers and staff to increase the amount of mom’s that choose our facility to deliver.
Please help me congratulate Robin on her promotion!
Inpatient: Patient Experience – Q1
I am disappointed to report that our inpatient Patient Experience Scores decreased from Q4 2017 to Q1 2018. The preliminary data shows WVMC at 70.6 for our Overall Rating. This ranks us 80th out of 173 HCA hospitals, down from 9th in Q4 2017.
Currently we are focusing on our Med/Surg unit with Nurse Leader Rounding learning labs. During these learning labs, nursing leadership and charge nurses work together to round on our patients. Nurse leader rounds give us an opportunity to connect with our patients, harvest for recognition, and find opportunities for improvement. I am proud of the work our leaders are doing and know with consistency we will be able to bring our patient experience scores back to the 90th percentile.
WVMC Nursing Care Ranked No. 7 in all of HCA
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Physician Satisfaction Survey! I am so proud to hear that our providers feel that nursing care at West Valley is exceptional! We have improved from 2016, moving from 90.2 percentile rank to 98.3 percentile rank in 2018!
We ranked No. 7 in all of HCA for nursing care – thank you so very much for your feedback!
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