HCA Clinical Scorecard

Ron Folwell

Ron Folwell
Director of Quality

The HCA Clinical Scorecard report is comprised of 30 metrics (e.g. IP-VTE) organized into five categories (e.g. Core Measures). The goal of the scorecard is to provide timely access to transparent, standardized, and actionable data to track performance and identify variation. In the scorecard, this is accomplished by summarizing many of the key clinical performance metrics into a single drillable report. The scorecard summarizes clinical, process, and utilization measures into a single view, which is used to rank performance of HCA Divisions and Facilities.

As of July 15, 2017, West Valley Medical Center ranks No. 1 out of 169 HCA hospitals for low hospital-acquired infection rates. We also lead the Mountain Division and are ranked No. 7 in HCA for exceptional overall performance in these key quality measures.  Thanks to our clinical staff and physician providers for your diligence in consistently providing safe, high-quality patient care.

HCA Clinical Scorecard - Facility Rank Summary
Mountain Division - All Facilities
  Overall Rank Morbidity & Mortality Clinical Excellence Core Measures Readmissions HAIs
West Valley Medical Center 7 73 15 117 41 1
Mountain View Hospital 8 56 8 146 21  
Lakeview Hospital 25 52 41 76 2  
Eastern Idaho RMC 36 141 53 128 1 5
St Mark's Hospital 51 75   155 49 34
Timpanogos Regional Medical Ctr 53 96 52 36 72 39
Ogden Regional Medical Center 108 111 79 110 24 115
Alaska Regional Hospital 130 154   153 38 78
Brigham City Community Hospital No Rank 37 88 115 22  
Cache Valley Hospital No Rank 40   48    
Lone Peak Hospital No Rank 65   3 26

Telemedicine Update

We have support available for tele-neurology and tele-stroke from Blue Sky Neurology in Denver, Colo. They are available by robot that is stored in the ER and can consult with us for inpatients with stroke or follow-up of ER consults. We appreciate the resource to help us manage our patients with the latest stroke guidelines and evidence-based care.

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