Jordie Booth
Jordie Booth has accepted a promotion as the senior clinical analyst for HCA in Nashville. She is responsible for support of Patient Keeper with a focus on NoteWriter, optimization, governance and setting standards. Her last day at WVMC was August 1.
Jordie has been a mentor and friend to many of our staff and leadership here at WVMC. She joined the WVMC team as an ICU RN and quickly became involved with Meditec chart revisions and super user functions. She progressed in leadership to a charge nurse role, then to our Meditec senior clinical analyst. Most recently, she has been our director of Advanced Clinicals. She has been the lead on many projects that have impacted our staff, physicians, and patients.
We began actively recruiting for this role when Jordie accepted her promotion. In the meantime, please contact the HelpDesk for assistance as needed – (208) 455-3727.
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