by Betsy Hunsicker, CEO
Betsy Hunsicker, CEO

There is a lot going on here at West Valley and it is important that we are communicating with you on a regular basis so you are kept informed about what‰лЊs happening at the facility.  We are initiating two new communication vehicles:

  1. ‰лЯIn the Know with the CMO‰л are monthly emails from Dr. Augustus following the Board Meetings. Hopefully you have seen these already, but you‰лЊll read about new medical staff appointments, new policies and procedures, and other relevant information that works its way through Medical Executive Committee and the Board.
  2. The Medical Staff News is a quarterly update of the latest happenings at West Valley Medical Center. This will be timed with our quarterly Medical Staff Business meeting. We will include updates about nursing, performance on quality measures and clinical indicators, construction, new service lines, etc. 

I hope you enjoy this first edition of our reinvented Medical Staff Newsletter. As always, I welcome your feedback, questions and concerns, so do not hesitate to call, email or stop by. I would also welcome the opportunity to attend your group meetings if you‰лЊd like. Thank you for all you do every day to help West Valley be successful and to provide the best care for our patients.

Betsy Hunsicker