Evidence-Based Clinical Documentation

Tracee Hendershott
I am excited to report that West Valley Medical Center has been selected to go live with a new nursing documentation program that gets nurses out from behind the computer and gives them more time with to spend with our patients!
This new system — EBCD (Evidence-Based Clinical Documentation) — was created by nurses for nurses. It gives time back to the clinical team to allow for a patient-centered care model by removing redundant documentation. It shares aspects of care already captured elsewhere in Meditech, focuses on documentation of essential elements of care instead of routine aspects of care, and allows our nurses to exercise their competent and ethical judgment to record the critical aspects of their patients’ care.
WVMC will go live with the new Meditech documentation the week of October 30. Between now and then we will be training our staff to ensure a smooth transition to EBCD. Although we know our nursing staff will warmly receive this change, change is still hard and we appreciate your support of our staff as they go through this experience. Previous facilities that have gone live with EBCD have seen a small learning curve with the new documentation screens, so we are optimistic that this will be very positive for our staff and for our patients.
Nursing Leadership Changes
Effective July 14, our Med/Surg, Ortho/Spine, and Pediatrics nurse manager, Arlinda Oliver, resigned from her leadership position to spend more time with her family. While we recruit for her replacement, we have an interim plan in place. Starting July 24, Laura Aldridge (house supervisor, float pool RN) is filling the interim nurse manager role. She will be your go-to person for all issues in the MS/Peds departments. For Ortho/Spine, Angie Davis (director of Case Management) is assuming the interim nurse manager role. I would also like to thank Renee DeHaas, who helped us in our initial transition after Arlinda’s resignation.
The long-term plan is to take time to find the right fit for this critical nursing unit. The director position is posted and we are currently recruiting for candidates. If you have questions or concerns about this leadership transition, please stop by or email me at tracee.hendershott@hcahealthcare.com and I will be happy to speak with you. Thank you!
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