Betsy Hunsicker, CEO
We’re changing up the Medical Staff Business meeting this month! We’ve invited the HCA Healthcare Vice President of Government Relations to Caldwell to talk about “Medicare For All” - it may look great on a bumper sticker, but it is much more complicated and has many implications for coverage, access, and cost/taxes. It’s an important topic right now, and he'll help us understand all the permutations of “Medicare For All” and the potentially unworkable implications.
We hope you can join us at this event on Friday, October 18 at 7:00 a.m. at the West Valley Medical Complex (1906 Fairview Ave – 4th Floor). Please RSVP to Karen Baese or call (208) 455-3719.
It’s also coming up on the holidays and the festive time will be here before we know it! Mark your calendars for our Holiday Medical Staff Social – a family night on the plaza. Join us on Monday, December 9 for dinner, ice skating, family photos and fun. We’ll be sending more details your way in the next month. We look forward to seeing you and celebrating all that you contribute to West Valley.
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