Betsy Hunsicker
Last newsletter, I asked you for your participation in our Physician Survey. Thank you for providing us with your feedback! We achieved 85% participation with 76 physicians taking the survey.
I was pleased to see that the work we have been doing around quality, safety, and nursing care seems to be making a difference. Your rating of Quality of Care at West Valley improved from the 85th percentile to the 94th percentile, with 92% of you rating it “Excellent” or “Very Good.” Patient Safety improved from the 93rd percentile to the 97th percentile, with 95% of you rating it “Excellent” or “Very Good.” And nursing care went from the 90th percentile to the 98th percentile, with 89% rating it “Excellent” or “Very Good.”
Although we saw some improvement in your rating of our Electronic Medical System, it was still quite low relative to other hospitals. We are constantly trying to make improvements to the existing system with personalized order sets, optimized functionality, and new information exchange applications. As we transition to using PatientKeeper, we look forward to workflows that are more intuitive and easier to use and a more modern interface. We have already started some of this transition with Patient Keeper Notewriter and will continue expanding its most helpful elements to end users over the coming months and into 2019. Director of Advanced Clinicals Abigail Murray is always ready and willing to work with you to enhance your experience.
A national survey company called PRC administers the survey and the percentile rankings are based on a large database of hospitals, not just HCA hospitals. Consistently, we were above the 90th percentile in nearly every category. But there is always opportunity for improvement. We will continue to focus on quality, patient safety, excellent nursing staff, good communication, and find new and better ways to engage physicians in the issues that affect your work here at West Valley.
Thank you again for your feedback, your engagement, and for the care you provide every day for our patients.
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