Lyndsey Jacobs
Facility IT Director
New Phone System Coming Soon
We have very exciting news – West Valley Medical Center will be moving to the HCA standard “OneVoice” Voice Over IP (VOIP) solution in May 2018. OneVoice offers a robust, division-based solution that serves as a foundation for emerging technologies such as iMobile, telehealth, and eWhiteboard.
The go-live for the new phone system will be the night of May 8th. We will have several resources on-site during go-live week to support the facility and address any issues quickly and efficiently.
Although the impact should be minimal, the biggest change will be making outbound phone calls and calling extensions. Those instructions will be communicated on the wallpaper screen found on the new Cisco phones. If you experience any issues with the phones after go-live, please call the help desk at (208) 455-3727.
Did You Know…
Providers are able to ePrescribe both controlled and non-controlled medications within Meditech. All providers are automatically enrolled in ePrescribing for non-controlled substances. In order to ePrescribe controlled substances, providers must be specifically setup and provided a token. If you have any questions about ePrescribing or would like to be setup for ePrescribing controlled substances, please reach out to Lacie Fantaski or Abigail Murray.
Lacie Fantaski
Provider Solutions Specialist
(208) 230-7432
Abigail Murray
Director of Advanced Clinicals
(815) 973-3822
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