We hope you all enjoyed a very Happy Doctors’ Day on March 30. Every year, our staff enjoy voting for fun Doctors’ Day superlatives, here are the winners of this year’s West Valley Doctors’ Day Awards:

Best Listener: Dr. Jon Agee

Most Happy-Go-Lucky: Dr. Michael Twomey

Best at capturing "teaching moments": Dr. Jason Slade

Most Energetic: Dr. J’Cinda Bitters

Most supportive of West Valley Medical Center: Dr. Brian Moss

Best High-Tech Guru: Dr. Jonathon Wolf

Best sense of humor: Dr. Karl Undesser

Most respectful of knowledge and input from non-physicians: Dr. Jessica Fu

Happiest and best at regaining consciousness at 3am: Dr. Steven Koga

Most likely to be cast on "House", "ER", "Grey's Anatomy", "Scrubs": Dr. Jonathan Baugh

Best Singer in the OR: Dr. Ryan Hardy

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