Richard Augustus
Enhanced Surgical Recovery — also referred to as ESR — is a proven, research-based approach using selected pre, intra, and post-operative interventions in concert to optimize the patient experience. Specifically, ESR utilizes fluid management and multi-modal analgesic protocols to enhance overall outcomes.
Adopted from the European, Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) program, ESR focuses on the interventions made in the acute care setting with the largest volume of published clinical validation.
These enhanced recovery programs have demonstrated significant reductions in length of stay (LOS), blood loss, time to ambulation, and complications; and increases in patient satisfaction.
Goals and Benefits of ESR
- Reduce post-op complications
- Reduce length of stay
- Decrease opiate usage
- Maintain/reduce post-op readmissions
- Maintain/increase patient satisfaction
While the benefits of ESR can be seen in all surgeries, the majority of published clinical evidence surrounds colorectal/major abdominal and lower extremity total joint arthroplasty. At West Valley Medical Center, ESR protocols for these surgical procedures were implemented in April of this year. We will continue to investigate other opportunities where ESR may prove beneficial. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact me at Richard.Augustus@hcahealthcare.com or Shawn Lindsay at Shawn.Lindsay@hcahealthcare.com.
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