New Chief Nursing Officer Announced: Tracee Hendershott, MHA, BSN, NEA-BC

Tracee Hendershot
Tracee Hendershott, MHA, BSN, NEA-BC, joined the West Valley team as chief nursing officer Monday, May 22. She comes to us from Rose Medical in Denver, part of the HCA family of hospitals.
Tracee started as a med/surg nurse, then moved to labor and delivery, where she went from staff RN to charge nurse to CNS to nurse manager for L&D/perinatal. She then became director of women’s and children’s services where she had oversight of a 12-bed labor & delivery unit with four dedicated ORs, a 13-bed perinatal/triage unit, a 33-bed postpartum unit, a 24-bed NICU, a 10-bed pediatric unit and an outpatient antepartum testing unit. In that role, she had 144 staff and more than 50 OB/GYNs, FPs, midwives and residents. She was then promoted to associate CNO and expanded her responsibilities to emergency services, respiratory, pulmonary, staffing office and house supervisors, and advanced clinicals. While in the ACNO role, Tracee participated in a CNO development program sponsored by the Continental Division of HCA.
While at Rose, Tracee has overseen multiple construction projects including the development of a freestanding emergency department. She initiated a patient-family advisory board to solicit input on operational decisions for the facility. She has been involved in their Magnet journey – starting with Pathways to Excellence designation and then receiving Magnet Status just a few months ago. She has been involved in the development and rollout of CPOE and is currently involved in the phase 1 rollout of EBCD for nursing and other clinical specialties. She has demonstrated sustained results around physician relationships, patient satisfaction, core measures, and employee engagement. Rose is consistently in the top 10 within the company in all of those areas.
I am confident you will enjoy working with Tracee and will find her to be a great advocate for our patients and for you and your practice. Please join us in welcoming Tracee to our West Valley family!
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