Tracee Hendershott
Chief Nursing Officer
Nurse Leaders of Idaho
I am pleased to share with you that two West Valley RNs were recognized at the statewide Nurse Leaders of Idaho Celebration Awards ceremony. “Nurses Who Make a Difference” was this year’s theme. The WVMC Nursing Practice Council chose our winners. Here are our winners and a list of their accomplishments!

Elizabeth Pena
Elizabeth Pena, RN BSN
West Valley Medical Center
Aspiring Nurse Leader in Clinical Practice
- A relief House Supervisor
- Was our first nurse apprentice position
- Was part of the initiation of the education rollout for Sepsis
- Relief charge nurse on ICU and MS
- Preceptor for new hires
- Covers radiology and day surgery
- Part of our Ultrasound IV team
- Multiple WAWV awards by patients and staff

Greta Van Dyke
Greta Van Dyke, RN BSN CDE
West Valley Medical Center
Outstanding Nurse Leader in Education
- Experienced Nurse Leader for over 40 years
- Instrumental in building the diabetic clinic at WVMC
- Critical role in becoming ADA recognized with our outpatient diabetes clinic
- Works closely with Dr. Matt Brown to educate adolescents with Type 1 diabetes
- Genesis World Mission / Garden City Community Clinic Volunteer
- Idaho Diabetes Youth Programs – serves as medical staff and educator
If you see either Beth or Greta, please join me in congratulating them for making a difference here at West Valley.
Skills Fair
We recently completed our first Annual WVMC skills fair. Over 250 clinical staff from nursing, anesthesia, radiology, SAMG residents and patient care techs attended our skills fair. The education and director team worked hard to develop meaningful learning stations for annual education, equipment and core competencies for each of our nursing departments. Booths included all clinical departments plus Infection Prevention, Cardiology Services, Lab, Occupational Health, device reps, college partners.
Idaho Simulation Network – Neonatal Resuscitation
I am happy to share that the Idaho Simulation Network was onsite October 23 and 24 to drill NRP scenarios with our clinical staff. Through practicing with simulation technologies, we plan to teach, improve/maintain teamwork skills and clinical proficiency. Residents, NNPs, clinical Women’s unit staff and our Respiratory Therapy staff participated in the drills.
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