Lown Institute, a nonpartisan healthcare think tank, released rankings this past week naming the most socially responsible hospitals in each state and West Valley Medical Center in Caldwell, Idaho earned the top position for the gem state.
"We are honored to learn the Lown Institute has once again recognized West Valley Medical Center. We have done many things to be fair and equitable for our patients, colleagues and the community,” said Betsy Hunsicker, chief executive officer, West Valley Medical Center. "We work hard to be a good community partner, whether it’s providing high quality care to everyone in our community equally and efficiently or returning CARES act as well as ARPA tax payer dollars during the pandemic to be a good corporate citizen.”
Out of more than 3,000 hospitals, only 75 achieved Honor Roll status by earning “A” grades in equity, value, and outcomes, the three metrics used to determine overall social responsibility.
“It’s not enough for hospitals to say they’re committed to social responsibility. They need to put their commitment into action,” said Dr. Vikas Saini, president of the Lown Institute. “Doing well on the Lown Index is one way they can demonstrate progress.”
The Lown Institute is the first to publish a national ranking of hospital social responsibility. Now in its second year, the Index includes 54 metrics across the equity, value, and outcomes categories. The primary data source is Medicare fee-for-service claims from 2016-2018. A full methodology is available.
You can view the entire list of hospitals in each state, recognized by the Lown Institute, here.