by Wendy McClain,Director of Marketing

Wendy McClain

Wendy McClain
Director of Marketing

The West Valley Healthy Conversations blog is a great marketing tool that builds trust and credibility with our community. Our goal is to provide stories that are engaging and create a ‰лЯbuzz‰л among our social networks. People are always searching for fun and different takes on various health ailments, and our online community is active in posting comments and sharing with their friends. We promote our blog content regularly on our web pages, Facebook and Twitter.

2015 blog reads = 28,475

Top read blogs in 2015

  1. The Vajayjay: 8 Myths Women Still Believe (Part 2)
  2. Your Ultimate Fair Food Survival Guide
  3. The Vajayjay: 8 Myths Women Still Believe (Part 1)
  4. 4 Ways Watching Netflix is Ruining Your Marriage (and How to Fix It)
  5. Children Left in Hot Cars: Child Abuse or Honest Mistake?

January ‰лв June 2016 blog reads = 13,617

Top read blogs (so far) in 2016

  1. Is Your Poop Color Signaling a Health Issue?
  2. Skip a Beat: 6 Reasons You Might Have Palpitations
  3. Pregnancy Tips for Young Couples Who‰лЊve Been Trying ‰л_ and Trying
  4. 5 Reasons Big Toe Pain Might Not Be A Little Deal
  5. When You Have a Mysterious Case of Aching Joints

We post new content weekly and are always looking for providers who would be interested in being an expert source. Please contact Wendy McClain if you would like to be called upon for future blog opportunities.

Media Coverage between April 23 and July 23

April 23, 2016

  • KIVI Channel 6 ‰лв Caldwell Y supporters brave rain for 10th annual West Valley 5K/10K

April 28, 2016

May 1, 2016

May 14, 2016

May 29, 2016

May 30, 2016

June 1, 2016

June 23, 2016

June 25, 2016

June 29, 2016

July 1, 2016

July 17, 2016

July 20, 2016