by Jennifer Opsut, COO

Jennifer Opsut

OR: Phase 1 of the OR expansion project is complete, but don‰лЊt take your hard-hat off just yet as we begin additional projects throughout the facility. Phase 2 of the OR expansion project is in the planning stages and will result in a total of six ORs of modern size, upgraded technology, new locker rooms, a new physician lounge and an expanded sterile processing department. 

MRI: We will be replacing our mobile MRI with a permanent structure and new technology. The mobile unit has been moved to begin construction. With the new structure, patients will no longer have ride a lift to access the MRI area. The room will include a PDC Caring MR Suite, which will enhance the patient experience with personalized lighting, music and video options.  Construction is anticipated to be complete in summer 2016.

Other Facility Projects

  • ED Flooring Project ‰лв complete
  • Facility Signage ‰лв complete
  • New Landscaping ‰лв anticipated completion summer 2016
  • EMS/First Responder Lounge ‰лв anticipated completion summer 2016
  • Employee Locker Rooms ‰лв anticipated completion summer 2016

Security Update

Safety is a high priority at WVMC, particularly ensuring the security of restricted areas for the comfort and protection of our patients, visitors, physicians and staff. It is well known that you can‰лЊt secure what you do not know exists. Environmental security assessments are all about discovery, ownership, value, acceptable use, protection and disposal of assets (patient care supplies and equipment). An Environmental Security Assessment for 2016 has been completed and additional security measures will be put into place as necessary. To report any security or safety concerns and/or incidents, please contact Wayne Tuckness, safety and security officer (SSO).