West Valley Medical Center
- August 01, 2016
Ginna Maggard
Clinical Value Analysis is a physician-led, data-driven and patient-focused process. The intention is to bring physician preference items (PPI) into use at the hospital based on evidence.
Meetings are held the second Wednesday every two months with the possibility of a лЯfast trackл if products are needed prior to the next routine meeting.
May 11, 2016 meeting лв Two PPI products presented
July 13, 2016 meeting лв Two PPI product presented
New product forms are available on the Intranet or in hard copy in the OR.
CVAT Physician Committee Members:
- Richard Manos, MD (chair)
- Joe Llenos, MD
- Karl Undesser, MD
- Lyndon Box, MD
- William Beringer, DO
- Ronald Cornwell, MD
- John Q. Smith, MD
- Jessica Fu, MD
- Donald Stritzke, MD
Our next CVAT meeting will be 7:00am, Wednesday, September 14.
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