Ginna Maggard
Calling all Doctors … do you want to be part of a committee that reviews physician preference items proposed to WVMC? Be part of our CVAT Committee.
- Next meeting: 7 a.m. March 14, Indian Creek Room
Clinical Value Analysis Team (CVAT) is a physician-led, data-driven and patient-focused initiative to bring physician preference items (PPI) into use at the hospital based on evidence. We have found the most successful submissions have strong clinical evidence and overwhelming, if not unanimous, support from the physician-led committee.
If you have a request for a new product or service line, please feel free to contact Ginna Maggard, or one of our committee members. CVAT meetings are every other month, and there is a Fast Track process if the product is needed prior to the meeting. Once the product is requested on the New Product Request Form (Procured Health – New Product Request Form) you can expect an answer within two business days. New product forms are available on the Intranet or in hard copy in the OR.
2017 Review
- 4 meetings held
- 5 products presented
- 4 approved (3 with provisions)
- 1 trial approved (outcome data will be presented March 2018)
CVAT Physician Committee Members:
- Richard Manos, MD (Chair)
- Joe Llenos, MD
- Lyndon Box, MD
- Ronald Cornwell, MD
- John Q. Smith, MD
- Jessica Fu, MD
- Donald Stritzke, MD
- Saeed Payvar, MD
- Dan Bradley, MD
- Richard Augustus, MD,CMO (Advisory Member – does not vote)
Procured Health is an evidence-based, advanced analytics application to review clinical evidence to assist in making clinical product decisions.
WVMC purchased Procured Health and made it available to all WVMC credentialed physicians — if interested, please contact Ginna Maggard at (208) 455-4006.
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