Richard Augustus
New Medical Staff Leadership
In October, the medical staff elected new officers to start January 1, 2018. Please welcome new Medical Staff President Jocele Skinner, MD, and Medical Staff President-Elect J’Cinda Bitters, MD. Both physicians have been active for several years in various medical staff leadership functions and are ready for the new roles. We are confident in their leadership skills and are excited to have Dr. Skinner and Dr. Bitters guide us forward for the next two years.

Jocele Skinner, MD

J’Cinda Bitters, MD
Also a big thank-you to Ryan Hardy, MD, for his exceptional leadership as president the past two years.
Bylaws Update
After an almost two-year process, the Medical Staff Bylaws, including the Credentialing Policy and the Organizational Manual, are approved as of January 23, 2018. A huge thank-you to Dr. Ronald Cornwell for his guidance as Bylaws Chairman and the rest of the committee for their perseverance to see this process through to the final product. However, there is no rest for the weary; with the approval of the documents, we will be aligning processes to make the improvements that we have been lacking under the older bylaws. As we progress forward under the direction of the Medical Executive Committee, we will continue to communicate with the medical staff any significant changes. More to come!
In addition, we have several physicians that take on multiple leadership roles, and we highly encourage physician involvement to spread the wealth of responsibilities and to create a broader source of knowledge.
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