Unit of distinction

Tracee Hendershott, CNO

I'm pleased to announce that HCA Healthcare recently recognized two units at West Valley with Unit of Distinction awards. HCA established this program to recognize and celebrate top performing nursing units within the company. Highlighted units are those that drive excellence in nursing care and display exemplary performance in the following strategic pillars:

  • Advocacy and leadership
  • Consistency in nursing practice and operations
  • Leveraging scale to drive performance

Congratulations to Surgical Services and ICU for outstanding performance in nursing excellence! Both nursing teams were in the top 10 percent of HCA Healthcare for their specialty. Way to go!

Patient experience

West Valley had an amazing 2018 finishing the fourth quarter at #2 in HCA for inpatient, patient experience and in the 96th percentile nationally. So far this year, we have slipped to 48th in HCA Healthcare.

Our ED, SDS and T&T areas have also had a decline for the first quarter. As a result, we are re-focusing on nurse leader rounding, as well as communication and connection with our patients in order to positively impact our patients' experience here at West Valley.

We want to make sure our patients feel heard and respected. We do have a bright spot, our BHU department has jumped to the 99th percentile nationally for their service line.