Completed Projects and Purchased Equipment
- Expanded Surgical Department
- daVinci Surgery: Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Hybrid OR Cardiac Endovascular Lab
- PHP (Partial Hospitalization Program) Relocation & Remodel
- CVAT approved, purchased, and implemented equipment (2018):
- Intravascular lithotripsy (IVL) system by Shockwave Medical - for lithotripsy enhanced balloon dilatation of lesions in peripheral vascular arteries.
- AccendoWave: discomfort management system utilized in the ED, Ortho-Spine Unit, MedSurg, and Family Maternity Center. A non-pharmaceutical solution for multi-modal treatment of pain using a tablet, EEG headband, and AccendoWave Software.
- iStent Inject Trabecular Mico-Bypass system by Glaukos - for use in conjunction with cataract surgery for the reduction of intraocular pressure in adults with mild to moderate primary open angle glaucoma.
- BoneScalpel system by Misonix - for use in the fragmentation and aspiration of both soft and hard (bone).
In Progress
Wayfinding Update:
West Valley is exploring options for updated directory and wayfinding signage throughout the facility. The first priority will be to update the 2nd Floor to optimize visitor knowledge of access and secure entry into the Family Maternity Center as well as improve the patient and family experience on the Medical Surgical Unit. Funding has been approved to update wayfinding and directories on Floor 2 and plans are in development.
New Fetal Heart Monitors:
Fetal Heart Monitors through GE Healthcare will be purchased for the Family Maternity Center. Along with the new base Coro 259cx Series systems, we will also purchase two new Mini RX Telemetry boxes that allow patients to ambulate down hallways and take jetted tub baths while on continuous monitoring. Additionally, we are moving to a new Monica Novii unit that can also be used for monitoring larger BMI patients. This unit allows patients to ambulate as far as the nursing station, but it is mainly used when heart tones and contractions can’t be detected through external transducers.
BRAVO Reflux monitoring system by Medtronic:
A CVAT presented and approved product in 2018, the BRAVO reflux testing system measures gastroesophageal pH will be purchased and implemented in 2019. With up to a 96-hour monitoring period, the Bravo™ reflux testing system increases the likelihood of detecting reflux events with improved symptom association determination.
On the Horizon
BHU Expansion is pending funding to expand adult inpatient behavioral health beds and add adolescent inpatient behavioral health beds.
Ambulatory Surgery Center and FSED:
HCA/West is planning an Ambulatory Surgery Center to be located in the medical office building to be developed by BVA and Brighton companies. We are currently working with physician partners to make that venture a success. Additionally, we feel that location is an ideal place for a freestanding emergency room; we are currently pursuing that project and the associated funding.
Clinical Value Analysis Team (CVAT)

Ginna Maggard
Clinical Value Analysis Team (CVAT) is a physician-led, data-driven and patient-focused initiative to bring physician preference items (PPI) into use at the hospital based on evidence. We have found the most successful submissions have strong clinical evidence and overwhelming, if not unanimous, support from the physician-led committee.
- Next meeting: March 13, 7:00am in the Indian Creek Room
If you have a request for a new product or service line, please feel free to contact Ginna Maggard, or one of our committee members:
- John Q Smith, MD (Chair)
- Joe Llenos, MD
- Lyndon Box, MD
- Jessica Fu, MD
- Donald Stritzke, MD
- Saeed Payvar, MD
- Dan Bradley, MD
- Richard Augustus, MD,CMO (Advisory Member – does not vote)
CVAT meetings our every other month, and there is a Fast Track process if the product is needed prior to the meeting. Once the product is requested on the New Product Request Form (Lumere – New Product Request Form) you can expect an answer within two business days. New product forms are available on the WVMC Westipedia Providers tab: CVAT New Products Request Link, or in hard copy in the OR.
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